Take advantage of the 26% federal tax credit to secure this advantage and protect yourself against any future changes.
Take advantage of our $0 upfront cost solar installation. 100 % financing with rates as low as .99% APR for 20 years and 1.49% APR for 25 years.
With your already reduced monthly electricity cost with solar, we will cover your first 6 months of solar payments for free.
One method of paying for the solar panels is through financing. There is a $0 upfront cost payment when financing your solar panels. Speak with our team to check your financing options and term lengths.
The solar PPA is another way to pay for your solar panels. A solar developer will provide you with solar and you will pay the solar developer your monthly bill if there is any. This is easy as the homeowner does not have to bear any risk of owning the solar panels. This also avoids buying the solar panels.
One method of paying for the solar panels is through financing. There is a $0 upfront cost payment when financing your solar panels. Speak with our team to check your financing options and term lengths.
The solar PPA is another way to pay for your solar panels. A solar developer will provide you with solar and you will pay the solar developer your monthly bill if there is any. This is easy as the homeowner does not have to bear any risk of owning the solar panels. This also avoids buying the solar panels.
Going solar is great for a state like Nevada where the sun is always present without clouds. Solar can save homeowners up to 100% off their electricity bills depending on the monthly usage. If homeowners tend to use a lot of their electricity, checking the cost of switching to solar will be worth going over with one of our team members.
A 26 % federal solar tax credit is available for homeowners with installed solar by December 31st, 2022. This can be great for homeowners to save big on their taxes and save money on their monthly electricity bill!
If you want to own your panels, you can do so by getting qualified by one of our team members. The approval is a quick and easy process that involves different monthly payment options suitable to you. Solar rates can be for term durations of 10, 15, and 20 years. One major benefit of owning your system is solar tax credits Nevada offers.
What if I Sell My Home?
Homeowner with solar can either transfer the ownership or transfer the service if they have a solar power purchase agreement. The option to purchase at fair market value is also available to the new homeowner.
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