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solaredge monitoring

What is solaredge monitoring?

The solaredge monitoring application provides financial and technical monitoring for the performance of a solar system. The purpose of monitoring is for homeowners and installers to get real-time alerts on any deficiencies in the solar system. The monitoring system provides current and historical data on how the solar system performs. Since solar is a long-term investment, it's vital to use a robust monitoring tool that pinpoints the effectiveness of solar panels. Certain solaredge features include:

  1. Provides current and previous data trends on system performance
  2. Smart algorithms are integrated into the system to pinpoint deficiencies in performance.
  3. A downloadable app to view reports of the system.

What Information Does The App Offer?

  1. Site Overview: The site overview displays the total energy consumed daily, monthly, and lifetime. Furthermore, the lifetime revenue is displayed to track the return on investment for the system.
  2. Power Flow Diagram: This diagram displays real-time solar production and consumption usage.
  3. Power And Energy: This feature entails system production and consumption. The system production is the energy produced from the solar panels. 
  4. Comparative Energy: The comparative energy displays the difference in energy consumption in kWh throughout previous years. 

How can I learn more about solaredge?

To learn more about solaredge, feel free to visit their website here! Feel free to reach out to us for a no-cost obligation quote

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